Tuva Launches the Tuva Datasets Library - a Dedicated Library of Real-World Datasets for K-12 Data Literacy and STEM Education

Access to classroom-ready datasets and powerful lesson creation features will empower teachers to build data literacy and bring authentic, engaging lessons to students.

(New York, NY - Nov 7, 2022) - In a world with a rapidly growing focus on data, it is increasingly difficult to find datasets that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessment in K-12 education. Today Tuva is launching the Tuva Dataset Library - a curated library of instruction-ready datasets related to a broad spectrum of topics and content areas.

The datasets come from publicly available local, national, and international agencies, museums, published researchers, and other reputable primary sources. They are curated by Tuva so that they are accessible to students and they inspire curiosity and fascination about a wide variety of dynamic phenomena, places, and processes.

"We believe that datasets of a surprising variety and from myriad sources hold stories within them that are of interest and importance to young people. Our work at Tuva is to give those stories life by making the data accessible and engaging in a way that inspires curiosity, exploration, and discovery by students." says Molly Schauffler, Tuva Science Consultant.

To ensure these datasets meet the instructional needs of their students, teachers can use the new "Activity Builder" feature on Tuva to easily create their own activities, quizzes, and other types of lessons. They can create short, open-ended activities that engage students to think, or more guided activities that engage students to use specific concepts and skills – whatever they deem their students need. Teacher-created activities will remain private to their classes unless they choose to share them broadly within the Tuva community.

Tuva envisions the Dataset LIbrary to be a lasting asset – a one-stop-shop where educators and their students can turn to quickly find and access datasets to enhance instruction and foster discovery. Whether it is data about census, climate, economics, physical forces, Earth systems, sports, living organisms, elections, or historic events, educators can rely on finding a wide variety of real-world data presented with classroom instruction in mind.

"As the world continues to change, data continues to change. Tuva is committed to long-term stewardship of our Dataset Library. We envision it as a dynamic asset, and will continue to find new datasets, archive data that become obsolete, and update current datasets as observations and experiments continue to emerge. We believe this library, along with the Tuva data, graphing, and statistical tools are hugely important to broadly catalyze data literacy and data science education and we look forward to supporting teachers, schools, and districts in this work" said Harshil Parikh, Co-Founder & CEO of Tuva.

The Tuva Dataset Library includes 250+ ready-to-use datasets, including 65 Spanish datasets that educators can begin using in their classrooms. Visit tuvalabs.com/datasets/ to get started today.

About Tuva:
Tuva’s next generation data, graphing, and statistical tools and instructional program are bringing real-world and engaging math and science education to teachers and students globally. With over 100 million datasets, graphs, and charts uploaded and created, the Tuva tools have become the digital tools of choice for students to learn how to explore, visualize, and analyze data and learn important data literacy skills. Over 5 million teachers and students use the Tuva Content Library and Instructional Program to bring authentic, powerful learning in the classroom. Visit tuvalabs.com and get started today.
