Tuva Science - Practice Science in Context
Three-Dimensional Science is Our Default
Students can’t help but apply science practices as they use data to untangle phenomena.
Embrace data as the heart of science.

Exploring data is how scientists gain knowledge about natural phenomena.  With Tuva, it can be the way students gain knowledge too!

Empower students to practice science

Tuva’s intuitive data and graphing tools free up time, so you can let students’ curiosity drive their investigations. As their thinking progresses, students can refine and remake graphs.

Send a message: You belong in science.

Our real-world datasets help students make connections between what they are learning and how it is relevant to themselves and their communities.

85% of corporate leaders anticipate that, in the future, being proficient in data literacy will be just as essential as computer skills are today (Qlik).
What is included in Tuva Science?
Dataset Library

We curate datasets from local, national, and international agencies and researchers to make them classroom-accessible.

Two Types of Lessons

Using our activities, students learn about phenomena from the patterns they discover in the data. Our data stories provide targeted practice with skills such as asking questions or writing a CER paragraph.

Activity Builder

Find a dataset pertaining to the standard you’re teaching, then use our activity builder to write your lesson.

Get Students Doing Science Like STEM Professionals

Use Tuva’s data upload feature to add rigor to your science instruction.

Enliven Background Research
Science knowledge builds upon what is already known. But, background research can be pretty dull. With Tuva, students can dynamically explore data collected by other scientists.

Elevate your Lab Experiences
Scientists and engineers work with large datasets. To prep students, we need them looking at more than three trials’ worth of data. Use Google or One Drive to create a classwide spreadsheet. It’s easy to upload the data into Tuva and share the interactive dataset with your class.

Upload Data
How Tuva fits into Your Science Instruction
Tuva supplements your core curriculum, enhancing the rigor and relevance.

Tuva is flexible. You can:

  • Introduce a phenomena
  • Use a datastory or dataset for a warm up
  • Assign a longer lesson to teach or reinforce new concepts.
  • Enter and explore classwide, student-collected data.
  • Gauge mastery with our 3-D assessments.
  • Tuva lessons are most powerful when students are in the drivers’ seat, so we recommend small group or individual work. However, they can be projected onto an interactive whiteboard and used to launch whole-group discussions.


I love the flexibility of Tuva. I can use it for a stand-alone lesson, a launch pad for a new concept or discussion, or as a reinforcement activity.

Laura Davis

Middle School Science Teacher, AR

Tuva allows students to not only look at their own group's data, but data from 45 different groups from 5 different periods. Students learn to identify patterns, outliers, and relationships between variables and why scientists prefer larger sample sizes!

Steve Hatchel

Middle School Science Teacher, CA

Tuva makes it easy to allow students access to real-world data.

Dori La Bella,

High School Science Department Head, RI

Tuva frees up tedious class time needed to create graphs and allows students to focus more on analyzing their data.

-Susan Waymire

Middle School Science Teacher, IN

Stumbling across Tuva was one of my favorite finds of the year.

-Jodie Deinhammer

High School Science Teacher, TX

It is not just another flashy simulation, it can become a part of how we teach science,

Lisa Jones

Science Instructional Coach, UT
